They spoke with Dolphin about their dilemma. Humphrey's reluctance to continue on their latest adventure had contributed to Gervase and Abe both falling in battle. They needed to know they could count on him regardless of the circumstances. Dolphin understood and had already spoken to him. He reassured them that it wouldn't happen again and pointed out the need for rest and relaxation from time to time. They all agreed and then returned to their mead. A dance contest began shortly thereafter, to which Booyow politely declined the invitation. There wasn't enough ale in all of Treefall to get him out there. But he enjoyed watching his elven friend. Leorio was the fastest and most agile person he'd ever known, but who knew he could dance? He mopped the floor with Humphrey and their latest misfortunes were soon forgotten.
That night Leorio and Booyow shared a room at the inn with the Briggspear brothers. Leorio even shared a bath. The halflings told them about their shop in Waterdeep. It was on Silver Street, down from Yawning Portal Inn. They told Booyow about new clothing they were making that was laced with metal for more protection and of wanting to expand by opening a store in Treefall. The wizard was definitely interested and listened politely as he copied another spell into his book, for hours.
That night Leorio and Booyow shared a room at the inn with the Briggspear brothers. Leorio even shared a bath. The halflings told them about their shop in Waterdeep. It was on Silver Street, down from Yawning Portal Inn. They told Booyow about new clothing they were making that was laced with metal for more protection and of wanting to expand by opening a store in Treefall. The wizard was definitely interested and listened politely as he copied another spell into his book, for hours.
The following day was hectic at the market and there was much to be done. Leorio and Booyow were both very charming and able to sell all their wares. Included in the mix was a magical short sword, The Melborne Hill Blade. From their shares Leorio bought stealthier clothing and enchanted armor from the Briggspear brothers and Booyow purchased an Amulet of Health. The amulet was discounted on the agreement that the brothers could use Booyow's good name as a valued customer with the citizens of Treefall. Perhaps their proposed business arrangement might come to fruition after all.
That night Booyow worked in the smithy's shop. He was doing forging of a different kind though. Since the shop was within the magical range of his mentor's statue and grave, the wizard felt more powerful here. He had longed for a special companion, but the time had not been right until now. For an hour he concentrated and summoned his familiar, but nothing appeared. He felt its spirit telepathically and knew that somehow it was unable to come. He would have to go to it and be patient a little longer.
The following morning the adventurers set off again, this time with the dwarf Leopold. The journey there was uneventful and the following day they arrived. The road led to a cave with chickens penned outside and a few statues. The stoned figures brought unease to the party as their encounter with the basilisk was still fresh in their minds. The elves Leorio and Gervase used their stealth to approach through the trees. Leorio nailed it and didn't make a sound. Gervase, not so much and a towering giant emerged from behind the pen and moved toward them!
That night Booyow worked in the smithy's shop. He was doing forging of a different kind though. Since the shop was within the magical range of his mentor's statue and grave, the wizard felt more powerful here. He had longed for a special companion, but the time had not been right until now. For an hour he concentrated and summoned his familiar, but nothing appeared. He felt its spirit telepathically and knew that somehow it was unable to come. He would have to go to it and be patient a little longer.
The following morning the adventurers set off again, this time with the dwarf Leopold. The journey there was uneventful and the following day they arrived. The road led to a cave with chickens penned outside and a few statues. The stoned figures brought unease to the party as their encounter with the basilisk was still fresh in their minds. The elves Leorio and Gervase used their stealth to approach through the trees. Leorio nailed it and didn't make a sound. Gervase, not so much and a towering giant emerged from behind the pen and moved toward them!